17774 County Road 21 Moundville, Alabama 35474

Sunday School:

Sundays at 9:45 am
Worship Service:

Sundays at 11:00am

(205) 371-4481


St. James Missionary Baptist Church


The Board of Deacons consists of dedicated men that assists the Pastor in carrying out the religious services of the church.  The Deacons are a servant ministry to the church and the Pastor.  Therefore, the deacon assists the Pastor to promote spiritual growth of the church’s members. The Deacons serves communion to the congregation and assists with baptisms.  The Deacons may also serve communion to sick and shut in members.  The Deacons spread the gospel to the saved and unsaved, care for the Pastor and the church members, and encourage unity to the body of believers.  It is the Deacons’ honor to be available to the Pastor and the members at all times.  Please do not hesitate to contact a deacon for any situation that may occur in your lives.


Deacons of Saint James Missionary Baptist Church